Saturday, March 25, 2006


Editing the footage wasn’t as big a problem as I first thought. I actually enjoy it so I am up for spending hours on end editing the footage to make it right. On the day of filming I filmed so that I would have a small amount of editing, thinking about where things are going to go and not having too much footage that I didn’t need. I filmed around about 15minutes worth of footage on the day which came to roughly 3.30 minutes for the video which I didn’t think was a bad effort.

One problem with the footage was that it took too long to go around in the car to where I wanted. To combat this I constantly drop external shots of the car in which gives the viewer more to watch and when I’m in the car I speeded the footage up an extra 25% to give the illusion that it was going faster than I was, which helped it look like I was racing to get away from the crime scene.

With the sound of the footage off the camera I had a problem where on the time line and in premier it sounded fine. When I exported the footage it would crackle. I have had this problem before and it is to do with the sound on the time line being too high, but I think it defaults too high. So because of this I have had to amend to the sound so it doesn’t crackle when exported which did take some fine tuning. Also to make the footage seem a bit more exciting I have added a feeder song which is very fast and gives the illusion that the footage is going faster than it actually is, which also helps with the footage not becoming boring. The song actually fits well with the footage as well. For the footage where I am going to steel that car, I have put a stone roses track which is off lock stock and two smoking barrels. This fits well as this part of my film is shifty and the song is related to gangster goings on, such as theft.

The only really default effects I used in premier where cross dissolves and simple dissolves. I used these to fade in and out my copyright screen, and to fade out my final title screen. Other than that I animated an effect in premier where one piece of footage is zoomed out on and two pieces of footage are playing at the same time next to each other. The other piece of footage is then zoomed in onto to have a more interesting effect when swapping from inside to outside the car or visa versa. The two pieces of footage where of the same thing. For example when turning a corner one piece of film is of that from inside the car and the other from outside the car. I also added a screen to the back of this with the ABC Video logo on it, to again bring attention to the branding aspect of my piece. There aren’t any effects like that in premier so I just editing them on a separate time line on each individual piece of footage. Basically the action was changing the scale and position of each piece of footage and overlaying them to creating a nice effect. This also made the footage a tad more exciting to watch and looked quite cleaver.

The idea with my editing was to make it seem like I had used two camera’s and only done the acting once, where as in actual fact I only used one camera and had to film the same things twice. I think that looking now at the final piece, the viewer wouldn’t have a clue how many cameras where used and wouldn’t even think that they are watching two totally separate filming’s of the same thing. This means that I have succeeded to edit well.


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